Sunday, July 8, 2007

you know i feel so shameful right now.i see all my friends write so superbly in their blogs.take a look at chong ho,his one has this theme goin on "fashion me,fashion you" and kah hooi's all(basically)...sammie cheng and himself...and impressed me.really nice blog.i mean there were all those stories.some are very dark.wait...sratch that.they were alll dark.the stories were really awesome.shes a good writer.back to me,i dont write muchj.and im not that sure whether i write wel..godh.big dreams to be some blogger and journalist at the same time.well,guess not everyone is capable of doing everything.but stil.....

1 comment:

Z said...

what la, say me like that.. u've got lots of new posts for me to digest..