Saturday, December 29, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So New Year is in like two days time....What are your plans?...I am going somewhere I guess.Penang will be flooded with people.My dear friends,hope you have fun and a great time.Try not to get stuck in the jam. Please send your well wishes to me or whatever you want to me here.Its like your place to let go.So that I know what you think about me and how I can change myself for the better for next year.Thanks.....

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Well fols!XMAS is back again and this is my pics for you.Hope it brings up the Xmas cheer!I wont be here till New Year. So MERR CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

cartoons 4 xmas?

Sexy uh?.....thats me!lol!

wanna go there?


cute nah?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Topic please....

Give me a topic to talk about.

Im bored......

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Driving License,check.

Ok, three hours ago, I legally passed my driving test.FINALLY!!!!!WOOOHOOO!!!You have no idea how happy and glad I am that I finished it. Okay, the thing is I have failed it once. For the hill. Oh, I think everyone fails it. So I’m cool with it. That was on 7/12/07.I passed that day for my highway test with flying colours. I got 18/20.YUP.You heard that right.18/20.And NO, the instructor wasn’t blind neither was he sleeping in the car. He was as alert as a lark. So I was happy then. All sad, drenched in rain and at a state of despair because of failing. Oh I forgot to tell you. The whole day it started raining. There were so many people there. Like so many. The C02 release from the people there and the heat from the ground rising up due to the rain and the heavy wind was a mix of sorts. It was such a day. And plus you can sense everyone was nervous. All those crease line faces with mouths going in ‘Oh’ shape. Its obvious. So there I was, dressed in red T-shirt with collars(as my instructor kept on saying red is my luck colour ong mah and I should wear it during my exam-due to the fact I wore a red shirt and I did well, extremely well actually, for that whole day) and a little wet due to the wind-rain and trickles of sweat running down my forehead to my cheek down my neck due to bad ventilation. I stared blankly at everyone, and crunching my stomach thanking my mom for forcing me drink some stupid tea the night before. Then they told us to sign our names on the sheet of paper that was left on a table there. We did that and sat back at our positions. Next, few names were called to be seated and then my name was called. With cold feet, I managed to get up and go. We had to move to the next seat after the next person enters a car. When it was my turn, I got this guy who looks like he either was tired after having sex(mind you the person that came out of the car was a girl-I’ll leave it to your imagination) or he didn’t manage to have any. He looks so pissed. Even the admin beside me said, “Look at that bastard. He’s sleeping” and there were some giggles and shakes of the head by people around there. I practically had to drag my feet into the car. I was in, wished him a “Good Morning” and did the necessities. Then I left the clutch and drove. And the car just abruptly stopped. I said a soft “Fuck!” Doubt he heard it, heck, doubt he understood it. Then I remembered that I didn’t bring down the hand break. So I brought it down and started driving. He didn’t tell me whether it was on the highway or on the hill and etc. Being a stupid as I am, I forgot to ask. And when I far from the course, he shouted at me asking me where I was going and said go back. Then I drove. There and that, I thought, there it goes my results. I’m done for. Then I casually asked which route and he mumbled something which I managed to catch and understood it. Then I drove off and he didn’t even say anything after that. It was ,if I may say, smooth sailing. Allow me my pride, people.

When it was touch down at the door step, he gave the form to me and I didn’t even look thinking I failed. I gave to the clerk there and she said I passed and I has to sit there to await my next exam. So there it went later. I was called again, the whole works. This time without anyone beside me, of course. Later, I went to ride on the hill that’s where I failed. GODDAMN IT!!!! That bloody fella la. I was on the yellow line. And when it was time for me to pull down my hand break it didn’t read it, I guess. So that’s when I failed. And he didn’t even allow me to go down. He told me to stop the car. There like that. Stagnant on the edge of the hill. Well, I’ll be! So I just got down from my car and went to see him to get back my documents which said I failed. And there was this guy. Yea, he took my car down and I drove back. Arrrrggghhhh!!!!!
Anyways, today it didn’t rain. Drizzled, yes, but not rain. So I was OK with it. And I passed. Does anything else matter now? I told m whole family I failed and resiting next Friday. Yup, I lied. Oh don’t give me that look! It was for fun. I want to see their faces next week(Tuesday) when I get my ‘P’ and they’ll be all shock I just can’t wait!

-Stay tune for next weeks drama-

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Let me tell u something.Applying to UK is not something you do everyday.Hence its difficult.Right now,I'm so into speaking with the british accent.HAH!I know talk baout being hypocrite,right?Well u cant help me.To make sure they can understand me there, I have to start now.And everyone knows how much of English only I can speak.So here I am.This time its about how I had no proper sleep,no proper food and no proper bath trying to write for my UCAS.Get done my statemens,reference letter and alot more to come.Isn't it like falling in love?Haih.Trust me,thats not anywhere close to love.Its so damn difficult to do this UCAS thing.But heck!Its my future.DAMN IT BE,MY LORD!I dont know yet what course I am going to do.But it definetly has to do with law.Damn!Well,its not like I dont like it.But you know,i hoped a wider optioned would have pened up to me.Mom is the one not allowing me to do other.You know Asians.MOM's!I thought of doing others but then she goes on raing 'bout the fact that i wont be able to have a fruitful career and i wont enjoy it,no demand and the likes a.k.a no proper income to hold my family.Gosh!And they say u should let your children decide 'coz that's what they would do for the next century of their life.You think they adhere to this advices.Hell,asians would say what would the whites know,they dont even know how to give birth,you think they can decide their kids future?.You know,at times I think we are so screwed and wrong but at times I fel they are right.Allow me my prejudices.So,i keep on doing and correcting and filtering and checking and writing and re-writting.Love sounds so much more easier.Just to do a 4000 word essay Im practically dead meat.As 'bragging' 'bout myself seems to take up the whole art of the essay.Its so tiring.And mentally exhausting.And thats just half the work.Thiking 'bout what I should do is another.Any suggestions?Alan wants to do law and accouting.He's insane.But thats just him>he can multitask.I too can(cross my fingers) but i prefer focusing on one.But Im thinking bout doing joint degree,like you knw law and business or something like that.Its not easy I know.But i have to try,right?RIGHT?So here I am,even at this moment doing my UCAS.Patience is never my best virtues.So this is really taking a toll on my life.In my life.Oh,whatever.But honestly,UCAS is not that difficult, blame it on me.Again,patience.So, even after this is done.I have other applications to fill in.This is going to be a long Christmas.And to continue next year, a long year.Looooooooong year.Well, thats what you have to face when you want all this.My mom will not sto breathing down my neck on this whole issue.So will my sister.Dad's not bothered.As long as i get it.GREAT.A perfect family support.Additionally,all this takes time,energy and definetly money.So i guess its being independent of your own self now.Take my own steps.Going or not going totally depends on my results and family income.As you know,Im not spending my daddy's billion dollars,im sending my mom's hundreds.Spot the diff?Oh,damn.I just spoiled my British English.Great!Just great!In future, when they read this I think they wont be able to understand.ARRRGGGHHHH!Ok Diran,breathe....breathe...just breathe....hah.....Ok so there you have it folks, a bite from my days on filling an applicatio letter.

Another day, another drama.

Monday, December 3, 2007


So I just watched Chuck and Larry.Ok,its not bad.Actually,its quite funny.If i were a movie critic(as i think everyone should be so that there will be a better world),i would say its one of Adam Sandler's best.KUDOS to you Adam!But seriously,do you actually speak like that?Whenever i see him,he mostly acts dumb and everything that people says seems to register in his head slowly before he reads his lines.Its like he is retarded or something.Ok,hold on that cowboy!I am not against retarded people or againsta anyone similar,its just that Adam always sounds and act like that.All i want to know is whether is he or is he not like that?......

Anyways,the reason i wrote this blog is not because of Adam and the crew but its about the movie.While i was watchin this part where Chuck and Larry goes for this gay/lesbian party.Once the parties over and everyone is going back,theres this group of anti-homosexuals standin outside and protesting against these people.And they were calling all those names like fags and etc.Then it struck onto me,why dont i write about this on my blog.So here i am,after watching it about 7 hours and 15 minutes ago blogging about this.Actually,its not just because of the movie i am writing this but this whole week i have been having this gay/lesbian thing going on.Last Friday night,i went out to Tanjung Tokong for my sisters friends birthday party.She rented out this motel where its faciong the beach.

(an advice-stay away from the beach after 7.30pm.Trust me)

As i was saying,so i went with my sister and her best friend.We drove all the way there.The birthday girl is a lesbian.I've knownw her since i was small since she was in my sisters school.And im use to her and shes such a nice person.When i went i saw her,she looks more manly then she ever was when i last looked at her.Her hair is kept so short and spiked.Hey face is of course flawless but thats typical.Shes got a flat chest.Litereally,FLAT.And shes wearing this beach shorts by Billabong.Ah,well shes a chef(Senior that is)in a renowed hotel in Penang.So yeah shes rich.Her parents are not very accomodating people so they(i think)have kicked her out of the house.But thats not it.She has girlfriends.Not one but many.MANY!I cant believe there are so many like them in Penang.It was a fun day.We joked,laughed,had good food,and played and had strolls on the beach in nig groups(like 10-15 people).Then i was also watching this comedy in BBC E of some gay thing.And I was aslso watching some movie that has some works of gay people.So then it struck me!Why should we treat them different?What is wrong with them?What right have we to say if they're wrong?I have to say its their life.They have the liberty to live their way the way they see it fit.So who are we to question them and be prejudica against them?

I had a friend wo asked me whether I would go out with a gay whos sissy or even just normal but alot of people knows that he's gay,likewise a girl.And i said yes.I definitely woud got out.I am prepared.But deep in my heart i guess i wasnt.Why?That stupid dogma.Stigma.Just like my another friend said.Its this thing in ourselves.Asians or not.I guess we have that dogma against them juts like the way we do not dare to touch AIDS victims.SO i asked the similar backed him.I am not sure i was had little courae,hence the reason why i lied to him or i was brave enough thats why i said that.His answer in return was "NO!I will NEVER!its too shameful.I will never go anywhere with those people even if its through the dark alleys".I was shocked and i gave him back a mouthful on how we should respect them and that theytoo should be treated as nor al citizens.To tell you the truth,there i was syaing all those things but I have no idea whether any of it that i was saying was what i really meant.I know i have better respect for them.I know some people who are of thise people and trust me i treat them the same as i treat others and i have no shame in admmiting this.I think it just comes to you in life someday that we should stand up in what we believe and say it out loud.Whether it is something that will shine us away from the public or be labeled this and that day,i think its the best way.Its the best way.Its the only way.We should stand up and fight this stupid and ridiculous prejudiscm.We are better then this!Though rooted we are with out traditions and religion obligations, but we must never forget and loose hope on the very essence of humanity.By blaming everything on religion and traditions we are too scared to accept the future and the truth.Thoughyou may ask "This is the future?".It maybe a yes,or a no.But theres a possibility.We have to be ready to embrace it now then ever.In the future this maybe the way our children may live.No marriage.Just with one another.Which ever.Who ever.Its already happening.The dawn has come for a new day.Its just whether we are willing to allow the sun to fill us in.




Sunday, December 2, 2007

Help,im a computer looser!

You know i think i need help?Me and computers?Gosh.Its like worlds apart.I have this friend whose super genious that has stuffs related too computers.But i dont want to ask him much.Well,more like i can't.He's not here anymore.He's in Australia,the Down-Under for his some computer-whatsoever-degree.Good for him.Thing is ,me and computers are just not able to be ok with one another.I'll be using it ad suddenly if something goes wrong i just feel like bursting and throwing my computer.And i go on cursing and screaming at the computer as if it understands me and can do what i want it to do.I know i know.Rather then going for computer classes i should go for anger management.I know.But thats not the way for me.Typical Asian.

Anyways,its this thing with blog curently.I cant seem to add friends.I know i have plenty to add since i want them to read my blog but apparently i dont know how.And i have this friend who says i shold do this and that but you know when she speaks it just goes gibberish.For a guy i should say i am dumb in this geek world.Hey,give me a break.eveyone has their calling and maybe this isnt mine.Mine is sort off,oh i dont know fun based and doesnt blind me.Stupid reason right?hey well..thats the way i think it is.Anyways,if anyones reading this please help me.I need help.How do i add friends on the blog site?

Your assistance is kindly appreciated.

Thank You